Sir – There is always such interesting subject matter in each RTT that I am hard pushed to choose which feature to respond to.

But, rank hypocrisy from our political elite (local or central Government) always fires me up, so I have opted for the Boris airport feature.

In my last job, I was an auditor of airport projects for the world’s premier airport sector IT service provider.

I travelled the globe to audit new or upgraded airport IT installations and this notably included Bangkok airport two years ago, when it switched from an old airport to a new one, and also Guangzhou, which was a new regional hub in China.

Bangkok did it wrong, but there is a political story behind that one, and anyway because they had both airports open during the transition they were able to deal with critical deficiencies, namely the new airport runway construction quality.

China knows that if you throw enough resources at it you can achieve anything, major construction projects will succeed. China’s human rights record (lack of substance) has something to do with that.

It is ironic that Hacan’s chairman thinks it unrealistic to replace Heathrow - a home goal surely?

A minister last week also said that 'Boris Island' airport was unrealistic. Both are wrong.

Don’t listen to the Government or Hacan on this – "Boris Island international airport"

is the only realistic proposal.

BAA wants its new runway and is prepared to demolish London and lives to have it. It also wants a sixth terminal.

Then there will be more new terminals – BAA has no concept of limitation.

The right solution is a completely new airport, Heathrow could then be downsized or eliminated.

The same minister also said the environmental impact of 'Boris Island' airport would be unacceptable – talk about hypocrisy.

Environmentally, this Government is willing to ruin the sleep of millions of people and demolish homes and ancient villages, but it won’t disturb the nesting habits of tweety birds – rank hypocrisy and priorities in the wrong order.

Take from the haves and give to the state – the usual socialist ethic and here we see it again.

I think Boris Island airport offers solutions to many of our problems that haven’t even been thought of yet.

The Government wants to build new towns and this is raising hackles all over the country, so build them in the Thames Estuary.

Who will live there I hear you ask? Those who will service the new airport, of course, the hundreds of thousands of immigrants that come here because they want our jobs and who our Government invites.

Heathrow could then become a bird sanctuary. Everyone’s a winner. Go for it Boris.

Friars Stile Road