Sir – I was interested to read that Susan Kramer, scrabbling in the wake of the exciting and popular Richmond Declaration campaign – richmonddeclaration. – which is calling for radical changes in the Lib Dem council’s proposed new local plan, has launched a series of meetings to “protest against garden grabbing”.

Welcome on board with Zac Goldsmith, Susan. No doubt you will now also be supporting Boris Johnson’s moves to protect London gardens and will ensure no Lib Dem objects to the changes he proposes.

But instead of the charade of holding public meetings to protest against the loss of gardens in our borough, may I suggest that Ms Kramer simply calls Councillor Martin Elengorn, Lib Dem cabinet member for the environment, to tell him to alter the new local plan they are submitting in order to protect our back gardens.

The cost of a few pence in a local phone call from Ms Kramer could instruct the Lib Dem council boss to change his draft plan, protect our gardens and spare us the ludicrous farce, similar to what we saw over Kew Bridge bus lane, of Liberal Democrats campaigning against their own Liberal council’s policies.

Come into line with Boris, change the draft Lib Dem plan now, and stop the loss of our gardens.

Otherwise our Lib Dem MP and our Lib Dem councillors, who set planning policy locally, should stop playing silly charades.

They cannot go on treating people like fools.

Thorne Street