Sir – What provision will the council make for Hampton parents who do not want Kunskapsskolan?

One of its fundamental principles is that “children should be educated in accordance with their parents’ wishes”.

If the council really does hand over Hampton Community College (HCC) to the Swedes permanently and irrevocably, they will provide an education so unorthodox that it cannot be delivered in a normal English school building.

So I asked what alternative will be on offer. The answer is simple: none. Parents can fend for themselves and look for a school in another borough.

We all know that good liaisons between primary and secondary schools help the transition, ensure continuity and raises standards. Therefore, I have asked officers to establish formal links with schools in Surrey and Hounslow for those parents who reject the Swedes.

After all, HCC is one of several secondary schools with link primary schools in another borough. So why not the other way round?

There is no evidence of grass-roots support in Hampton for Kunskapsskolan.

HCC governors, the Hampton Society, and now increasing numbers of parents, are submitting their objections.

Not one local primary school is on record as being in favour.

Parents are being enticed by literature and presentations long on pious hopes, but short on evidence.

The Swedes want every pupil to achieve five good GCSEs. Wonderful – but the truth is that not even 1 per cent of comprehensives achieve this.

Where is the hard evidence, the actual record to prove that they can, in effect, make HCC (and Whitton) the best comprehensives in the country, beating most grammar schools?

There is none. So Hampton pupils will be guinea-pigs if Kunskapsskolan takes over.

They tell us that they will work with other local specialist science colleges. The truth is that they have not even discussed it with a single one.

And their local knowledge is such that their literature tells us that Stanley and Heathfield are Hounslow schools.

I have been genuinely moved by Hampton parents who are distressed that they have deliberately chosen one style of education for their children, only to have a totally different approach imposed upon them.

Why does the council refuse to listen to parents?

Hampton North ward